5 reasons To Hire A Professional Photographer for your senior pictures
My passion for preserving memories turned into passion for the art of photography itself. And the rest is history.
I’m Katrina, an Indiana-based senior photographer and girl mom
Photography is so much more than getting the perfect shot. It’s getting to know each and every senior, making their personalities shine, documenting an important milestone, and best of all, celebrating female beauty.
What inspired me to become a photographer back in 2011? I don’t have many photos from my childhood, so I made it my mission as a mom to document my family’s life in pictures.
Amber contacted me from Kokomo, Indiana! It was quite a drive for the both of us. I wanted to make sure she had a great session for her time since I travel over an hour take her Kokomo senior pictures. We split her session up into two day’s. 1 day in her home town of Kokomo, Indiana and 1 day in my town of Rochester, Indiana! We shot some of her kokomo senior pictures downtown, the light was gorgeous, I couldn’t have been happier with the outcome. The first picture below was one of the first shots taken downtown Kokomo Indiana. I knew right then and there she was going to rock this session right out the park.
At Amber Viewing consult I asked her why she choose me over those photographer that lived in her own town. She said that she wanted something different from her peers and she also said something that I just couldn’t believe. She said that she was told from other studio’s that she would not be able to wear her glasses during her session. I couldn’t believe what I had just heard. I have worn glasses for most of my life and when I don’t have my glasses I feel so uncomfortable and couldn’t image taking pictures not being able to see. I understand why some photographer might be uncomfortable about taking pictures of people with glasses, you get that nasty glare but the trick is taking pictures so you don’t get that glare. none of Amber pictures had glare, I choose to shoot with the sun behind her at all times and that made it so that we wouldn’t have lens glare. After all I love shooting back-lite so this wasn’t a challenge for me at all.
Day 2: These were shot at 2 of my top secret locations in Rochester! Amber also had her hair professional styled for this session! After that Session I added the glamour session to the session’s. The Glamour Session includes professional hair and makeup. who wouldn’t want to feel and look their best for their senior pictures. The 2 looks and cities combined looks amazing in her album! I was so happy she decided on purchasing the Senior album to showcase her session.