Reflecting on my time at united in Santa Barbara
I went into this experience completely open and willing and wanting to learn. I also wanted to put myself out there. I normally don’t do well in social situations until I’m comfortable but I decided to just go for it. By going for it this week I have made some awesome connections with new people. I asked things I never wouldn’t have had the guts to normally ask. The few photographers I asked concerning questions to, I learned not only how they do something which is something , But why they do it! Its very easy to ask photographers their camera settings but I wanted to know the why. Before coming to united I knew that the shoot out would be crazy, having been on a few in my own town. I knew I wanted to take away more knowledge than just the images. Pretty pictures doesn’t mean anything if your aren’t sure how you got the shot. As I wait at the Santa Barbara airport getting ready to head back to Indiana. I’m so excited to get home and apply some of the new techniques, idea and information that I learned from and to see my wonderful family!!! I got to hear some very awesome photographers in the industry and not just because of their imagery but for other reasons. Of course the imagery is important but that is not the only important factor. I admire these photographers for many reason. Some may of course be their images but some is the amazing connection and love for their spouses and children, the respect they have for their marriage and families, and their faith. Others was the hard work they put into their business, those willing to fail instead of playing it safe. Some was the Pure Passion, Which a lot of us have but it’s so easy to lose sight on that and get wrapped up into all the trends. I would like to thanks from the bottom of my heart is of course my loving husband who proves me the means and believing in me. The wonderful showit family for putting together an amazing conference that I will never forget and will always be grateful for. Callie for being the best roommate a girl could have asked for. I can’t wait to hang out again. Laying out of the beach with a margarita is something we will have to do again. Tim for making me feel comfortable and allowing me to be myself and for the great laughs we had. Dave for someone who wasn’t even a showiteer thanks for being kind. ohh and of course for being my taxi!!! Julie for wanting and wiling to show me a trick to use in full sun shooting and then taking the time to show me the editing process in Lightroom. Megan for helping me start the process on finding my voice and for me taking the leap on something that is big, really big. but going to announce later!!! I’m so excited about. The speakers, David Jay, Trevor Daley, Kenny Kim, Zach and Jody Gray, Katelyn James, Promise Tangeman, Jeff Jochum, Mike Larson are just to name a few. Thanks for Putting yourselves out their willing to share your information and knowledge to us willing and wanting to learn. A special thanks to all those showiteers that donated their time and volunteered. For everything listed above is why I’m proud to be a showiteer and be apart of an amazing community and United to serve.
[…] conference that was held at Santa Barbara, California. Check out my first blog post about United HERE. That was the first time I have ever even been on the west coast. California surpassed […]