Hey friends, welcome back to the blog! Today we are going to be featuring Alivia’s senior pictures Alivia senior pictures we’re taking last summer. She is a 2020 senior from Rochester High School and will be graduating in the next few months. Alivia’s original senior pictures were rescheduled due to rain which was a bummer […]
2020 Senior Season came and went pretty fast last summer. My senior season in Indiana is pretty short. I start every senior season with photographing my senior team girls. In no particular order over the next few weeks I will be finally sharing their images on the blog. First up is Kenzi! Kenzi’s photoshoot started […]
This answer is a little more complicated than just letting you know a certain date/season. This very much is also determined by your demographic. For my demographic and where I’m located, you’re going to want to start booking your Junior year of high school. Junior’s this is the perfect time for you to start looking […]
Planning for your senior session can bring up a lot of questions. We help our clients by providing a welcome packet after booking to start helping them prep for their senior portrait sessions. Our welcome packets has a full what to wear guide. This is resource guide is going to be your best friend! I […]
Welcome back to the blog Kensey is being featured today! Kensey is representing Rochester High School. She is a 2020 senior and she was also on our KJP Senior Team for the year. We have loved getting to know her. I supported her and my niece by going to most of her home basketball games! […]